UK Study Logo

To find out more about UK Study services, please feel free to contact us using the contact details below, or leave us a message using the contact form. We will reply all enquiries within 2 working days. For any urgent queries please call us.

United Kingdom Office
International Student Services
Sussex Innovation Centre
Science Park Square
Brighton, BN1 9SB
United Kingdom

+44(0)1273 72 55 77

+44(0)1273 76 47 16

Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00 GMT
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED

Afghanistan Office
A90 Gulbahar Business Center
Kabul, Afghanistan

+93 20 2104409

Do you have questions or do you need help with your University Application?

If you have any questions about studying in the UK, UK universities, available courses, student destinations, our application process, or any similar matter, we’re here to help! Simply fill out the contact form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. For any urgent assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us directly.

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Please fill in all fields. You will be contacted by one of our consultants within next 2 working days by email. If you wish to be contacted by WhatsApp or direct call, please mention it in your message.
Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.

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Our Promise

With over 20 years' experience our team of dedicated educational consultants will guide you through the entire process from application to accepting your offer.

We aim to actively promote British higher education all around the globe.

Apply Online

Let us help you find the right university for you!

We will help you prepare your application and apply to our partner universities.
We will follow up with the universities in order to obtain a decision on your applications in the fastest possible time.


Partners & Accreditations

Study First Group Partner
UCAS Registered Centre
Accredited by British Council
British Guardianship Partner
UK Study Partner